Monday, June 1, 2009

Postcard from FRANCE

As I promised, I would tell who sent the card from FRANCE. It was his dad! :-) Petr and his dad got a fantastic deal on a trip to Paris. Who wouldn't take it? So, here they are, traveling by train and visiting another country. I knew about this trip so I asked his dad to send a card to him as a surprise. He was really excited to do so, until they got there and he couldn't find a moment alone! Petr was stuck on his dad like a bee on a lollipop! :-) He managed though and the card surprise was a success. So, here is the story, and here few shots from their trip... Enjoy! I love the tower!


Blogger Unknown said...

Juuu. To je neuveritelne co jde udelat s obycejnou fotkou co jsem fotil ja. Poprosim te, muzes mi tyto krasne upravene fotky poslat? Jsou moc hezky.

June 3, 2009 at 7:34 PM 

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